1 Week after Hair Transplant: Things to Know

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Hair Transplant Centre malaysia - 1 Week after Hair Transplant: Things to Know

Does Swelling Occur Following Hair Transplant Procedures?

Following a hair transplant procedure, edoema may develop. After a hair transplant, swelling normally appears on the second day and lasts until the fifth day. This is a brief phase, and there will be no long-term consequences.

Is There Medication Following Hair Transplant Surgery?

Anti-inflammatory analgesics may be used as prescribed by the physician. The patient cannot take aspirin for the first week following surgery. However, all medications must be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

What to Avoid following hair transplant surgery?

For one to two weeks following a hair transplant, the patient should refrain from physical activity, exercise, sexual interaction, and lifting heavy weights. High steam settings and sauna baths should be avoided for at least 21 days. On the second day following therapy, some individuals return to mild activity.

What should be accomplished following a hair transplant procedure?

The patient must remain at home or at a medical facility, rest, and limit his movements as much as possible until the following day, following the completion of the control and first hair-washing session.

How Should the First Shampoo Following a Hair Transplant Be Performed?

In our clinic at the Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia, the hair is cleansed by a specialist after the first day following surgery. The bandage is removed, and the hair is cleaned with shampoo and cold water. The patient is shown the washing procedure, which will be done daily for the first ten days.

Can I drink alcohol following a hair transplant?

Alcohol has a negative effect on the edoema and results of a hair transplant and should be avoided for at least 5 days following the procedure.

How to Prevent Swelling

The manner of sleep following hair transplantation might impact the overall success of the treatment; for the first 10 nights, the patient should sleep with his head elevated at 45 degrees (using the neck pillow given by the medical staff).

How Many Days following a hair transplant do grafts become secure?

After a hair transplant, it takes roughly 14 days for newly implanted grafts to become stable. During the first fourteen days following a hair transplant, it is essential to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations for protecting the transplanted grafts to ensure that each graft remains undamaged and ready to develop.

What Can Be Done in Case of Pain After the Hair Transplant Procedure?

Many patients require prescription painkillers for the evenings after surgery. These analgesics must be administered under the direction of a physician.

When can I Touch My Hair Grafts?

In addition to the necessary cleaning, you can begin to lightly touch the grafts with your fingertips two to three days following a hair transplant.

How long should a person wait before getting a haircut following a hair transplant?

One month after surgery, minor modifications in the donor region can be made using scissors. In order to shave and cut the recipient’s hair, he or she must wait until the fifth month post-surgery.

We, at Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia take pride in
being one of the best clinics to give effective treatment for hair loss in Malaysia.

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